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Upper back pain

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 9:25 pm
by James123
Hey fellow mindfulnessers (have I just coined a new word? Let's hope not).

I've fallen on and off the mindfulness based meditation bandwagon more times than I can to remember. But I promised myself that from February the 1st I'd give it another go. Haven't missed a day yet.

However, the pain I have started to receive (upper back, between shoulder blades/bottom of neck) has become unbearable. It goes way beyond noticing it, exploring it and breathing into it. It's not a back twinge that can be explored. It's so painful that it's starting to affect my work. I'm struggling to left heavy objects as the pain is, well, too painful.

When I lay down to do a body scan then it's relatively pain free but I can't see how I can practice a sitting meditation, err, laying down.

Has anyone got any tips whatsover on what I can do? It's that bad that I'd rather drop meditation full stop than continue with this nagging pain.



p.s hello to Jon by the way. We've conversed via the telephone before. You had just interviewed someone famous IIRC. Hope you're well, mate.

Re: Upper back pain

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2020 11:50 am
by JonW
Hello to you, James. I remember you well.
Sorry to hear you've been having back trouble. I hope you are getting the right treatment for it.
There's no rule that says you can't do a 'sitting' meditation lying down. Just as there's no hard and fast rule that says you can't do a body scan sitting up. I definitely wouldn't advise meditating in a sitting position if it causes pain. Your physical comfort should always be the prime concern.
All best wishes,

Re: Upper back pain

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 7:31 pm
by James123
Thanks Jon. Sometimes I sit in a kind of slouched position, or sit right back in a comfortable chair instead of being perched and errect on the edge of the chair and the pain lessens, but me being my normal rigid/black & white self just assumed I had to be sitting as advised by Andy @ Headspace, JKZ and various videos I've seen.

It's heartening to learn that I don't have to be so regimental and can be kinder to myself re the position I take up whilst practising.

Thanks again.