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Tips for alternative loving kindness meditation (metta)

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 8:11 pm
by Mudlotus
Hi guys,

Since practicing with JKZ's loving kindness guided meditation my mental and even physical state have improved significantly.

But recently I watched a video of Matthieu Ricard at Google practicing a bit with the audience. His method differed a bit, as he was more focused on the feeling itself and reviving it once it fades.
The result was interesting. The warm and clear feeling I always get from L.K. was much stronger and easier to generate.
This leads me to believe it may be beneficial for me to practice it in this way.

For this I'm looking for book of video to show me how to do this properly. It would be great to get a link or title from you.

Thanks a lot, be well!

Re: Tips for alternative loving kindness meditation (metta)

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 7:48 pm
by piedwagtail91
Matthieu Ricard had a book out called why meditate .
There is a cd comes with it.
I can't be sure what's on it but it may be worth checking out