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Emotions / Feelings

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 8:35 pm
by Tracey
Hi, I'm new here and wanted to thank you for providing this forum. Great stuff!

Do you have any links or books that you recommend that describes the differences between the two? One website was explaining that emotions are intense and fleeting and come from feelings that are subtle but longer lasting.

From listening to podcasts from Mark Williams I get the impression that emotions are our raw, survival instincts but he doesn't mention (or I didn't hear) where the feelings come into play. I know we have feelings associated with body sensations (external) but I'm talking about the feelings of 'I feel sad/happy/guilty....' (internal).

So, I guess my question is... what are feelings?

Thanks for your input and sorry if I've posted in the wrong forum!

Re: Emotions / Feelings

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 10:31 am
by Gareth
My own inexpert opinion is that the two things are very similar, if not the same. If i am anxious about something then it is most definitely something that I feel in my body: a tightening of the stomach, butterflies if you like. But is anxiety not also an emotion?

I don't know if truth be known. Jon is the resident bibliphile here; I'm sure he will point you in the direction of a good book.

Re: Emotions / Feelings

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 5:09 pm
by piedwagtail91
i may well be wrong, because it's a while since i read her book, but i think kristin neff says they're the same thing.
we call emotions 'feelings' because each emotion has it's own set of 'feelings' or sensations that we feel in the body when we experience them.

Re: Emotions / Feelings

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 1:59 pm
by Tracey
Thank you both for answering. I was thinking that emotions are something that you can't control because they are so primal and are short lived but our feelings (almost like thoughts) are longer lasting and more subtle.

I get confused when we are encouraged to notice our emotions and feelings rather than emotions or feelings.

Thanks again.. I'll sit with it :)

Re: Emotions / Feelings

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 6:08 pm
by FeeHutch
Sitting with it usually works best for me too :)

Re: Emotions / Feelings

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 6:43 pm
by JonW
Just caught up with this thread.
Daniel Goleman writes brilliantly about emotions. His book, Destructive Emotions, a dialogue with The Dalai Lama, is highly recommended. Though I can't promise they'll solve the emotions/feelings question for you.