Welcoming everything / turning towards

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Posts: 107

Sat Mar 02, 2019 6:57 pm  

Hi everyone. I’ve come out of a really crappy time where things often felt overwhelming. I’m trying to practice turning towards all thoughts and feelings that come, both in the day and in my sitting, rather than instantly pushing things away.

I just wondered how others go about this. I sometimes can just recognise what is there and soften towards it, sometimes I name it, sometimes I can feel it physically. Does anyone have a different way of doing this? Thanks.
everybody just bounce

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Practice Mindfulness Since: 19 Aug 2013
Location: The Netherlands

Sat Mar 02, 2019 7:54 pm  

Hi monkey,

Turning towards it sounds good. Just notice what thoughts arise, and what your reaction to them is; physical sensations, emotional reactions, other thoughts. Don't judge them, just notice them and let them be. Surrender to what is.

See what patterns might get triggered, and in awareness maybe you can choose a different response.

If it is a little overwhelming, I recommend doing some concentration meditation first to calm the mind.

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