Mindfulness & Social Media,Blogging,Website Mgmt,etc.

Post here if you have been practising for a while, and you are starting to get your head around what this is all about. Also post here if you are a long-term practitioner with something to say about the practice.
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Wed Jun 24, 2015 6:50 pm  

I'm very curious what strategies those of you who maintain websites, write blogs, and participate in social media as part of those tasks use to stay mindful and present?

I've written some tips in this article -
5 Tips for Using Technology Mindfully: Parent's Edition:
http://mostlymindfulmommy.com/5-tips-fo ... mindfully/

However, I still struggle daily with #2. Would love to start a conversation and hear how others are striving to achieve balance in that area!
Katy Allred
the ^mostly mindful mommy
☆ mindfulness coach ☆ certified children's meditation facilitator ☆
get mindful musings in your inbox here!: http://eepurl.com/bidBT1
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Thu Jun 25, 2015 7:58 am  

Turning off notifications is a good one.

I've gone as far as turning off the ringtone too - less intrusion. Like you say, technology is wonderful, but we have to use it in the right way. If I'm playing with the kids, then my phone goes in my pocket and doesn't come out again. We also have a "no devices at the dinner table" rule too.

When I first set up @mindfuleveryday, I used to check it every two minutes, but with time, I have gradually unhooked that compulsion, and I check it far less often now.

I'll run some links to this topic soon.

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Thu Jun 25, 2015 10:19 am  

Not having a smartphone helps. It means I only check emails etc. when I'm at my computer. My mobile doesn't do anything more fancy than make and receive calls. Also, very few people have the number so it hardly ever rings.
Bad for business but good for mindfulness. ;)
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Thu Jun 25, 2015 10:32 am  

I've just had an app purge and unsubscribed from a load of newsletters, feels so good.

I find myself getting unnecessarily wound up by modern living and the mass public on the internet so I am trying to avoid it.

Anyone got any ideas how to pass the time during the quiet moments in the day?

I do mindful practices but I still have a bit too much free time whilst being chained to a desk.

Posts: 30

Thu Jun 25, 2015 3:17 pm  

KathleenH can you feel my envy from over there? I love reading and what you describe sounds like a win situation for a bookworm

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Thu Jun 25, 2015 4:35 pm  

KathleenH, cleaning out newsletters and apps is a great one! I keep on top of the newsletters (and boy does hitting that unsubscribe button feel great!) but the apps is a less regular purge for me. Thanks for the reminder! As for the quiet moments, I like Candour's suggestion of reading. I also very much enjoy adult coloring (mandala coloring books and the like), it's very meditative for me. I have my best ideas in the quiet moments as well, so sometimes I just sit and listen and make sure to have a paper and pen handy!

Gareth, I was the same way! When first launching my site and Twitter, etc. I just kept hitting refresh :] The one I am currently struggling with the most, specifically, is Facebook. I enjoy engaging with the members of my community on my Facebook page, I just haven't figured out how to set good boundaries for myself yet.

I am leaving for a 4 day camping trip today to a beautiful spot in Colorado where I get no cell coverage, so this is my first experiment with setting up scheduled social media postings for Facebook. If that goes well I think perhaps scheduling posts and then setting specific times (and time limits) for when I interact on FB will make a huge difference.

It's an interesting dilemma these days, because there are so many incredible connections and conversations happening online in the world of meditation and mindfulness (like in these forums!). I'm attending the Wisdom2Business conference in NYC Sept 11-12 and am very excited to hear how others are staying mindful while in business AND bringing mindfulness to their businesses!
Katy Allred
the ^mostly mindful mommy
☆ mindfulness coach ☆ certified children's meditation facilitator ☆
get mindful musings in your inbox here!: http://eepurl.com/bidBT1
or visit me at http://mostlymindfulmommy.com

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