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Why is mindfulness SOOOOOOOOOOOOO tricky?

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2020 3:24 am
by mightywindr
Like my mind ALWAYS finds a way to RUIN it, ALWAYS why is the mind SOOOOOOO capable of messing it up?

Why is it SO tricky to just let go?

We seem to have an innate ability to just let go.

But then the mind somehow manages to find away to convince you that you cant or to mess it up somehow and it gets to the point that you even know it will mess it up in advance, and it goes ahead and does just that and you somehow cant let go even though you can.

Its strange and confusing, can anyone tell me why the mind is so elaborately good at messing your innate ability to let go up?

Re: Why is mindfulness SOOOOOOOOOOOOO tricky?

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2020 8:10 am
by JonW
There's nothing tricky about mindfulness.
It's your mind that's tricky.
Just practice.

Re: Why is mindfulness SOOOOOOOOOOOOO tricky?

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2020 2:55 pm
by mightywindr
JonW wrote:There's nothing tricky about mindfulness.
It's your mind that's tricky.
Just practice.

Thanks bro, so basically just focus awareness and strengthen it over time keep it simple, dont even try to let go?

Re: Why is mindfulness SOOOOOOOOOOOOO tricky?

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2020 2:56 pm
by mightywindr
JonW wrote:There's nothing tricky about mindfulness.
It's your mind that's tricky.
Just practice.

Oh I see mindfulness itself is easy the mind is hard, thanks brother! If its hard you are doing it wrong, if its easy you are doing it right?

Re: Why is mindfulness SOOOOOOOOOOOOO tricky?

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2020 6:07 pm
by JonW
'If its hard you are doing it wrong, if its easy you are doing it right?'

That's about the size of it.
Becoming mindful, we are simply paying attention to what arises in our experience from moment to moment.
Nothing complicated about it at all. Though the mind may well want to complicate it...

Re: Why is mindfulness SOOOOOOOOOOOOO tricky?

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2020 12:19 am
by mightywindr
JonW wrote:'If its hard you are doing it wrong, if its easy you are doing it right?'

That's about the size of it.
Becoming mindful, we are simply paying attention to what arises in our experience from moment to moment.
Nothing complicated about it at all. Though the mind may well want to complicate it...

Legend thanks JonW REALLY appreciate help with this!!!