Focusing on two places (alternating)?

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Posts: 1

Thu Oct 26, 2017 10:32 pm  

Hello all,

I'm a novice meditator. I meditate breathing through my mouth. I know this may not be optimal, but I just can't do it through my nose.
While breathing, it's much easier for me to focus on the lower lip when I inhale, and focus on the upper lip when I exhale. Is it OK for me to alternate the focus from one place to the other, back and forth like that?

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Practice Mindfulness Since: 19 Aug 2013
Location: The Netherlands

Fri Oct 27, 2017 6:12 am  

Sure, Alekho. That's fine.

It doesn't matter where you put your focus, it's about being aware of what is; being present. The alternating aspect of what you do is not that different from a walking meditation.

Good luck with your practice.

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Mon Oct 30, 2017 11:59 am  

What you are trying sounds fine. I am firm believer in experimenting and making the practice your own.

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