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Morning Anxiety / MindFulness

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 6:11 pm
by Pipskid
Hello Everyone,

I'm still waiting to receive my Full Catastrophe living book to start my 8 week course. Although, if i'm honest, i'm a little put-off by the recent posts regarding this book :(

Anyways.... I'm still tuning into a Jon Kabat-Zinn's Body Scan on youtube once a day, usually while at work. I find it very helpful. However, my current problem is high anxiety in the morning. Either in bed or in the process of getting out of bed. Symptoms are usually slight nausea (occasionally physically sick), sense of off balance and slightly tense muscles. I think I primarily worry about the day ahead and my anxiety symptoms. Is there anything within mindfulness or random tips from members that have helped them in this scenario?


Re: Morning Anxiety / MindFulness

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 8:38 pm
by JonW
Hi Pipskid,
We're not all in the anti-Catastrophe Living here on the forum. I love that book. :shock:
Re. your early morning symptoms. If you're sure these are brought on by anxiety about the forthcoming day (rather than some other deep-seated health issue) I'd suggest a 5/10 minute sitting meditation as soon as you get out of bed. Or maybe a 10 minute body scan before you get out of bed.

Re: Morning Anxiety / MindFulness

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 1:56 pm
by Gareth
Well I've never read it, so I can't comment.

When I notice expectations arising, I generally just let them go. I find that they are rarely of any value to me.

Take a look at this topic on anxiety:

These blogs were all very popular too: ... y-anxiety/ ... r-over-me/ ... epression/

Re: Morning Anxiety / MindFulness

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 9:15 am
by KathleenH
Hi Pipskid

I get this every morning. I have read that it can be due to reduced levels of melatonin in your system in the morning, also blood sugar levels are lower on waking. When I get hungry I often get feelings similar to anxiety, I have learnt to remind myself that I am hungry and this is simply a reaction in my body.

Before you label your feeling as one in the head, think about what your body is going through when you wake up. Don't automatically think 'oh I'm anxious about the day' try thinking 'okay, I have this feeling of anxiety, am I hungry, is my body confused on waking up?' Accept the feeling and then try doing a body scan as Jon suggested, this will also help if you are anxious about your day.

I hope this helps