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Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 6:58 pm
by Pipskid
Hello Everyone,

This is my first post and I'm looking forward to what I can learn from everyone.

Short Story: I've been dealing with anxiety most of my life. I had it under control after a year's worth of CBT, 10 years ago. But unfortunately due to an illness over the Christmas season, it's flared up big time! Doctors will say I have GAD... But I can tell you, my primary issue is worry about worrying and its symptoms. My thoughts control my world.. 70% thinking about the future and 30% about the past. Thinking about the moment is extremely foreign to me. I turned to meditation while dealing with insomnia over Christmas, which I found extremely helpful! This quest for mediation later guided my to Jon Kabat-Zinn and his teachings. Something registered with me and I want to know more!

So why this post? I want to know where to begin? I feel like I'm shooting with bird shot.... hitting anything I can. Maybe that's a good thing? I feel like there should be a schedule, a path...... a 8 week course I keep hearing about.

What am I Currently doing? Every day I plug into a guided-meditation, it's usually Jon Kabat-Zinn's 45 minute body scan on YouTube. I've been making it a point to role out of bed, shower, eat and then lay on the couch while listening to it. When I do it at this time of the day, I find it difficult to focus on my body... I think.. I start to dream. It's a good but weird feeling. I've also been doing this body scan while at work, so mid day. I think it's a little more effective then.

Lately, I've also been plugging into Jon Kabat-Zinn's audio book, "Where Ever You Go, There You Are" while falling asleep at night. It's been effective for the sleep, but typically only able to register 0.5-1 chapter before I'm out.

So I guess my question is, where to begin? I feel like there should be an outline somewhere... a schedule... of how to get into MindFulness? For example, for the first week, listen to this 10-minute guided meditation daily and then second week you progress...

I'm sure it's not hurting to do the body scan, but I don't want to be jumping into something without understanding or reaping it's full benefits. Any suggestions?

There are mindfulness courses locally, but it's literally a year wait. There may be some drop-in classes in about a week or two.

Thanks for any comments and or suggestions.

Re: Newbie

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 8:42 pm
by JonW
Hi Pipskid,
Welcome to the forum.
It sounds like you're good and ready to begin your mindfulness adventure.
It's a shame there's such a wait for mindfulness courses in your area. In the meantime, learning via a book is a viable alternative. The one I always recommend is Finding Peace In A Frantic World by Mark Williams and Danny Penman, which comes with a CD of guided meditations. That book expertly guides you through the eight-week course.
You'll also find plenty of support here on the forum.
We're a friendly bunch. So please feel free to fire any questions our way.
Wishing you all good things,
Jon, Hove

Re: Newbie

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 9:09 pm
by MiM
Hi Pipskid

I am quite a newbie at this myself, so maybe I shouldn't recommend anything...

...but, I have found the 8-week online course at Palouse mindulness very helpful. There you get exactly what you ask for. New materials to read and watch and new guided exercises every week, and it is completely free of charge. Could probably work even better together with a good book

Re: Newbie

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 10:09 pm
by FeeHutch
Hello Pipskid

Welcome to our community, you are among friends here :)

Re: Newbie

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 8:09 am
by KathleenH
Welcome Pipskid,

I came to mindfulness through Palouse and I really enjoyed it and found it really helpful, I then went on and did the Mark Williams course to reinforce things.

Both are very well structured and easy to follow.

Good luck with your practice

Re: Newbie

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 9:03 am
by JonW
The Palouse course looks interesting.
Does it differ much in structure from Finding Peace In A Frantic World course?

Re: Newbie

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 9:17 am
by KathleenH
Hi Jon

They are quite similar in structure and practices which I found very good when following it up with FPIAFW.

Re: Newbie

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 11:42 am
by JonW
Thanks KathleenH, that's useful to know.
I'll check it out.
All good things,
Jon, Hove

Re: Newbie

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 2:42 pm
by Gareth
I've just had a look round the Palouse mindfulness site; it's great.

When I get the chance, I'll put a link to it from us.

Re: Newbie

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 8:09 am
by Pipskid
Thank you everyone for the warm welcome! It was great to see!

I will check into the courses mentioned. I'm surprised no one expanded or mentioned Jon Kabat-Zinn?

Regarding the body-scan that I do daily... I don't know if im just getting bored or used to it... but it seems my mind wonders more frequently now. I'm usually extremely relaxed and the thoughts I have are not the typical ones I have that I'd consider stressing. I try to bring my focus back to the specific part of my body.. but its difficult. I imagine this is part of the process? Thanks