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JOT week 9 - befriending the body

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 3:11 pm
by Steve
Well its been 'befriending the body' this week. As I am having a series of biodynamic massage sessions (a form of 'body psychotherapy') this is particularly relevant to me at the moment. Doing body scan meditations is also a great way to listen to your body as emotions and sub-conscious feelings often make themselves known in the body.

I've also tried to be kind to my body: feeding it healthy food, drinking more water (and less alcohol and coffee), exercising it, respecting it, taking care of it and resting it.

When on my own, I also enjoy maximising the bodily sensations of the warmth of the sunshine and the feeling of a gentle breeze by being 'au naturel' :o ! I find this a great way of being in the present moment and of being acutely aware of all the senses. Its also a great way of learning to be comfortable with your body, to feel at home in it, to be one with it, as well as providing an uncomparable sense of freedom and openness - to me this is the ultimate in 'befriending' the body. This may not be everyone's cup of tea :roll: but it doesn't make sense to be embarrassed to be my true self, to be just me, as I am, in my natural state, and at one with nature.

So, its been a good week for me. How has anyone else found this week?


Re: JOT week 9 - befriending the body

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 4:01 pm
by Metaphysical Me
Hey, that's cool! :-)

I've been slack... I did do a lot of mindfulness stuff this week, but not so much around the JOT topic of "befriending the body" - although I had looked forward to that particular practice.

Ah well, I'm too exhausted to care at the moment :shock: cos I got next to no sleep last night...

If memory serves, then next week's JOT task is somehow related to this week's, so I'll just try and piggyback that and catch it up that way ;)

XXX to y'all

Re: JOT week 9 - befriending the body

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 11:28 am
by Gareth
I don't think that my body awareness is that good actually.

I used to to try the body scan in years gone by, but always found it fiendishly difficult. It felt like I couldn't keep my attention still for a second - maybe this means I should have practised more. In the end, I stopped doing body scans and I still don't ever do them. I either do sound meditations or breathing meditations. Very occasionally I will do sight or choiceless awareness.

Instead I have taken up yoga as a way of increasing my body awareness. I have been reasonably committed to it so far, but as with everything in my life, time is an issue.

Re: JOT week 9 - befriending the body

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 1:01 pm
by Steve
I agree, yoga is a great way to integrate body and mind, and a great way of befriending the body. The yoga classes (hatha yoga) i've been to often include a body scan/relaxation at the end, maybe at the end of a yoga session you're more attuned to the body and got rid of any restlessness.


Re: JOT week 9 - befriending the body

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 3:18 pm
by FeeHutch
Well my body has made me befriend it as I've lurched from one medical problem to the next. The pain has not been enjoyable but taking a different and open attitude to my body has stopped me heaping emotional pain on top of the physical.

Plus it was the final spur to make what I hope will be long term changes to the way I nourish my body which is great :)

Re: JOT week 9 - befriending the body

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 1:24 am
by Metaphysical Me
Yikes, I'm still being slack, as regards the JOT tasks... Don't even know what this week's (week 10's) exercise is, off hand. Something to do with the brain... (If this week is the one about "nourishing" your brain, then I'm doing well, cos I've eaten very healthily this week...)

I don't know how the weather is shaping up in the US or UK, but we are having a gorgeous spell of spring weather here - have been now for over a week - and I've been out walking the dog or out in the garden in every spare minute getting as much sunlight as possible - which is why I've been slack on the JOT front.

So, I guess as far as JOT goes, I should be hoping for worse weather...?? :shock:

Re: JOT week 9 - befriending the body

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 7:45 am
by Steve

Yes, the current week (10) is on the brain (although I don't think anyone's started this week's topic yet) so you have a perfect excuse to continue or catch up with week 9!

Getting outside and enjoying the sunshine is a great way of befriending the body - especially for my preferred way of doing this in a complete manner ;)

I've forgotten where on the globe you are. The UK has recently had some spring like weather (although lots of fog for the last couple of days) so the trees and bushes are just starting to bud and in some cases blossom. Very pleasant for walking meditation.


Re: JOT week 9 - befriending the body

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 12:32 pm
by FeeHutch
I'm on week 10, my brain makes me look after it these days :) Shall we wait and start a week 10 thread this Sunday?

Re: JOT week 9 - befriending the body

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 12:38 pm
by Metaphysical Me
Hey all,

I am living in Germany these days, and we've been blessed with some uncharacteristically charming and splendid weather.

Seeing as Week 10 and 11 are both "brain based" shall we just start a new combined thread for that?

In fact, I think I'll do it now, in the hope that that's a practical solution...

Then we can all sedgeway slowly from "befriending the body" to "looking after our brains"... What do you think?


Re: JOT week 9 - befriending the body

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 12:48 pm
by FeeHutch
Sounds good to me :)