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Dealing with fatigue

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 6:19 pm
by Cheesus
Hola Amigos

Since I recommenced mindfulness a couple of months ago, I have been bumping up against the issue of fatigue. I have recently been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (C.F.S./M.E.), and one of the primary symptoms of CFS is difficulty concentrating. Obviously this has ramifications on my meditation practice. My mind wanders about relentlessly, and, though I am doing reasonably well in not judging this, it is not all that conducive to practice. Of a 30 minute meditation, perhaps 5 of that is actually spent in awareness.

I appreciate that concentration grows with time, however I'm not sure I feel I have moved forward much since I recommenced practice. Back when I used to meditate, and before my issues with fatigue, I found this element of practice much easier and found I would sometimes enter a meditative 'state'. Though I am not particularly aiming to reach one particular state or another, its absence is conspicuous.

Does anyone here have any tips for maintaining focus?

Gracias, chicos!

Re: Dealing with fatigue

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 9:45 pm
by Gareth
My advice is simply this: keep practising. The fatigue will be however it is and your concentration will be however it is, remember that you aren't trying to get anywhere.

Re: Dealing with fatigue

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 10:02 pm
by Cheesus
Gareth wrote:My advice is simply this: keep practising. The fatigue will be however it is and your concentration will be however it is, remember that you aren't trying to get anywhere.

You're absolutely correct, of course :) I really should have told myself the same thing. I suppose its difficult listening to your own advice sometimes.

Practice, practice, practice. Our difficulties are what our difficulties are. What else to do but acknowledge them and continue.

Gracias amigo!