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Ending meditation

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 6:36 pm
by Cheesus
I just thought I would share this with everyone as it is not a mindfulness practice per say so you may not have come across it.

In the brief time I practiced Dru Meditation at my student counselling centre, we would end a meditation practice as follows:
Gently start moving fingers, hands, toes, feet and limbs to get some movement back in.
Stretch a little bit (still seated).
Rub your hands together vigorously to create some heat.
Put your hands over your face and eyes.
Mindfully feel the heat from you hands on your eyelids and around you eyes.
Picture your favourite person in the world walking into the room and give them your biggest smile.
Really try to feel the smile and the warmth you are extending to that person.
When you're ready, gently open your eyes.
Remove your hands and take in the world around you.

I find this is a really nice way to end a sitting meditation practice and if it suits you encourage you to try it :)


Re: Ending meditation

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 6:43 pm
by JonW
That's a genius idea.
For some reason I usually think about Joey Ramone after meditating.

Re: Ending meditation

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 6:46 pm
by Cheesus
JonW wrote:Wow.
That's a genius idea.
For some reason I usually think about Joey Ramone after meditating.

Haha WHAT?! Is this an obscure reference to something before my time, or is it as random as it appears?

Re: Ending meditation

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 7:06 pm
by JonW
I'm entirely serious.
Quite often, after meditating, I feel the need to dance.
Anyone who has had the misfortune to see me "dance" will testify that I resemble a man trying to put out a fire on his living-room carpet.
The only music I can "dance" to is The Ramones.*
Therefore, after meditation, I often "dance" to The Ramones' second album, and my second favourite album of all time, Leave Home.
One of the joys of my professional life was interviewing Joey Ramone. Despite appearances, he was bright as a button.
Cheers, Jon

* When roaring drunk, I have been known to "dance" to The Ronettes, The Gun Club, The Cramps and 10,000 Maniacs.

Re: Ending meditation

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 8:43 pm
by Cheesus
Man I wish I had that much positive energy on ending meditation. When I finish I usually feel like I've been dragged through a double showing of the titanic.

I'm not so out of touch with the older generation that I'm unfamiliar with Joey Ramone, but I'm afraid your drunken dancing tunes would go way over my head!

Let me know how you get on if you try this method out. Feel free to get some Ramones going afterwards!

Re: Ending meditation

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 8:51 pm
by FeeHutch
Both ideas make me smile :)
I may try them both together....

Re: Ending meditation

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 9:03 pm
by JonW
My very serious long-term plan is to be part of a punk-meditative commune.
A big house somewhere nice with a massive garden.
Punk rock music in the mornings, mostly the American stuff - Ramones, Television, Richard Hell...
Bit of meditation during the afternoons.
A nap.
Party in the evenings.

Re: Ending meditation

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 3:23 pm
by FeeHutch
Can I visit for holidays and can we play plenty of two-tone at the parties? :D