Did this article do well for you Barbara?
Keep letting me know about the successful articles you share. I'll share them on Twitter too. The more retweets we get, the more followers we get, and the more we can continue to build this community.
How to work with chronic worry
It's really hard to tell what gets a lot of readership on Facebook because not every post is seen by everyone who liked the post (due to Facebook's bizarre policies/attempt to get us to pay for posts/ I don't think so!). I tend to post things that blow me away - if something speaks to me or makes me look at something in a new way then it's worth posting, but it's harder to know what appeals to others!
This one got over 100 views and would be worth tweeting I think - I don't always like this guy's articles but this was a very useful summary one. http://zenhabits.net/toolset/
Interestingly, the 'getting started' type posts always go down well, eg http://blogs.psychcentral.com/mindfulne ... #more-3936
SO maybe beginner's tips would be good to tweet every now and then?
This one got over 100 views and would be worth tweeting I think - I don't always like this guy's articles but this was a very useful summary one. http://zenhabits.net/toolset/
Interestingly, the 'getting started' type posts always go down well, eg http://blogs.psychcentral.com/mindfulne ... #more-3936
SO maybe beginner's tips would be good to tweet every now and then?
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Follow us on Twitter for frequent mindfulness messages (click here)
Follow me on Twitter @barbs55
Thanks Barbara, I'll bear it all in mind.
Sharing things that you love is a good way to go I reckon, because as long as you continue to love doing it, it's not really a job is it? That's what I reckon anyway.
Sharing things that you love is a good way to go I reckon, because as long as you continue to love doing it, it's not really a job is it? That's what I reckon anyway.
Well, there is a genetic component, . There are also nurture or non-nurture factors. 

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