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The main site?

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 2:05 pm
by Vixine
So I've noticed some references to the 'main site' but I found this forum independently by searching for online mindfulness forum. I see an announcement about the FB page, but I do not see any link back to the main site on this forum. When I google 'everyday mindfulness' I find the site (second on the list below an I just thought I'd point this out as some others may come to this forum independently of the main site and it might be good (unless I am missing something!) to have an easy link back and forth? I know I'm new here so maybe I am missing something about the connection between the two :)

Re: The main site?

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 4:09 pm
by Gareth
The 'main site' can be found here:

It's still very rudimentary (and not that pretty). The site in its current form is just some idea that I had lying on my sofa about six months ago. I added the Twitter account and the forum shortly after, and the idea has just balooned. The site links to the forum, but unfortunately the forum doesn't link back to it (yet). A web developer friend of mine has just undertaken some renovation of both the site and the forum, so soon we will have this place looking a lot nicer and a lot more integrated. The content of the site will be guided by the community with the simple aim of encouraging people to practise mindfulness and providing them with the resources to do so.

The site currently consists of a few introductory articles and a blog where people can tell their own mindfulness stories. I am pretty sure this will be kept and a resources section added which will be just that - audios, books, videos etc. The site will be continuously evolving and responding to its community.

I'm not convinced of the name, but again, that will be a community decision.