Inner happiness vs striving/pleasure
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 11:55 am
Hello, I'm new to this forum so please forgive me if this post is not really right for this section of the forum, or for the forum at all!
To give you a bit of a background, I'm 37 and have suffered on and off with anxiety and depression for my entire adult life. The last year or two I've had something of a dip after around 4-5 years of relatively no anxiety or depression at all. Anyway, my anxiety will obviously - as is its nature - take the form of repetitive thought and endless dialogue in my head.
One thing that has been particularly troubling me recently centres on a central teaching of mindfulness/meditation/Buddhism etc that I simply can't get my head around. Essentially, one of the core beliefs is that happiness comes from within and should not relate to external conditions, successes, circumstances. Which leads me to the question of what the point of really doing anything is??
For example, I love travelling and am looking forward to my next trip. However, this is an external thing, so essentially why should I bother travelling to Berlin or Seville or Budapest or Vienna or any of these places excite me, when supposedly I should be just as happy sitting in an empty room surrounded only by four walls. Likewise, why should I get excited/feel happy when my football team win a match, because surely I should derive my happiness from within and therefore be equally pleased with a 5-0 defeat as with a 5-0 win. This idea troubles me greatly, and leads into an existential minefield of anxiety, because it just makes me think that everything is meaningless and pointless.
This teaching also then leads to a very overwhelming and severe feeling of guilt whenever I enjoy something/feel joy, because I start thinking "stop it, you shouldn't be feeling happy your team won/you had a tasty meal/you're visiting a new place, because happiness should not be linked to external circumstances!!"
I appreciate I may have misinterpreted (or rather the anxious voice in my head has) this teaching/concept, and would like people to put me right on this and explain their own interpretation of the "happiness not based on external circumstances" concept. I play this argument over in my head over and over and over again, and I really wish I could find some respite from it, and something that helps me understand this teaching with more clarity.
Many thanks
To give you a bit of a background, I'm 37 and have suffered on and off with anxiety and depression for my entire adult life. The last year or two I've had something of a dip after around 4-5 years of relatively no anxiety or depression at all. Anyway, my anxiety will obviously - as is its nature - take the form of repetitive thought and endless dialogue in my head.
One thing that has been particularly troubling me recently centres on a central teaching of mindfulness/meditation/Buddhism etc that I simply can't get my head around. Essentially, one of the core beliefs is that happiness comes from within and should not relate to external conditions, successes, circumstances. Which leads me to the question of what the point of really doing anything is??
For example, I love travelling and am looking forward to my next trip. However, this is an external thing, so essentially why should I bother travelling to Berlin or Seville or Budapest or Vienna or any of these places excite me, when supposedly I should be just as happy sitting in an empty room surrounded only by four walls. Likewise, why should I get excited/feel happy when my football team win a match, because surely I should derive my happiness from within and therefore be equally pleased with a 5-0 defeat as with a 5-0 win. This idea troubles me greatly, and leads into an existential minefield of anxiety, because it just makes me think that everything is meaningless and pointless.
This teaching also then leads to a very overwhelming and severe feeling of guilt whenever I enjoy something/feel joy, because I start thinking "stop it, you shouldn't be feeling happy your team won/you had a tasty meal/you're visiting a new place, because happiness should not be linked to external circumstances!!"
I appreciate I may have misinterpreted (or rather the anxious voice in my head has) this teaching/concept, and would like people to put me right on this and explain their own interpretation of the "happiness not based on external circumstances" concept. I play this argument over in my head over and over and over again, and I really wish I could find some respite from it, and something that helps me understand this teaching with more clarity.
Many thanks