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Hitler's mother mentioned in a mindfulness talk

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 2:18 pm
by arguseyed
Hello All,

I am looking for a talk (I think it was by Tara Brach) where the speaker mentions how Hitler's mother was really scared, fearful and some of that passed on to Hitler and it manifested in the crimes that he committed. I think the take away message was that people are conditioned by their ego and they pick it from signals around them. I don't remember which talk it was.

Anyone on the forum who has heard it?

Re: Hitler's mother mentioned in a mindfulness talk

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 1:31 am
by kezvar
Hello, did you find an answer to this question? I am looking for the same talk.

Re: Hitler's mother mentioned in a mindfulness talk

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 4:37 am
by arguseyed
Hello. I'm sorry I didn't see this post until today. No, I haven't been able to find it yet. Maybe I should write to Tara Brach herself.

FOUND!!! Re: Hitler's mother mentioned in a mindfulness talk

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 3:44 pm
by lorien
Hello there,

I wrote to Tara Brach's organization and got a reply. The story about Hitler's mother appears in the October 30, 2013 talk entitled Healing Self-Doubt. She begins the story 27 minutes into the talk, which is why I couldn't find it--I kept listening to the first few minutes of every talk, expecting her to launch into the story earlier. I hope this helps!

Be well,


Re: Hitler's mother mentioned in a mindfulness talk

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 4:31 pm
by JonW
At last!
Now I can sleep at night.
Thank you for your sterling detective work,

Re: Hitler's mother mentioned in a mindfulness talk

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 2:53 am
by arguseyed
Thank you! Ironically, this talk kept popping as a Youtube recommendation to me for months. I must have listened to it a while ago.

Re: Hitler's mother mentioned in a mindfulness talk

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 12:12 pm
by Gareth
I'm curious. What is said about Hitlers mother?

Re: Hitler's mother mentioned in a mindfulness talk

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 3:04 pm
by lorien
Jon, you are welcome! Whoever responds to email queries for Tara Brach is prompt, so if you ever find yourself in that predicament, shoot them an email. And I can sleep again at night too. :D Arguseyed, who doesn't need to heal self-doubt? ;) That talk kept on popping up for me too, but because the specific story didn't appear shortly into the talk I thought I hadn't found the right one. And Gareth, it's a talk worth listening to. It's kind of a spoiler that we mentioned Hitler's mother because Tara doesn't mention the name Hitler until the very end of the story, but it's easy to figure out who she's talking about before she gets to the end. The story illustrates with poignant clarity what can happen when one comes from an unhappy life situation and hasn't learned the insight and skills to deal with one's own inner demons.

Re: Hitler's mother mentioned in a mindfulness talk

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 5:41 am
by arguseyed
Gareth, she talks about how a mother whose 3 kids died at a young age had a 4th child. She was fearful because she had lost 3 kids and is overprotective, fearful. Then she talks about the inner demons of the 4th child. It is revealed that the child grows up to be Hitler.

What I took away from the story was, as lorien mentioned, doubts coming from an unhappy life situation. Also, before it is revealed who the child is, one feels compassion for the child's situation. It is a shocking revelation as to who he grows up to be. It's a different perspective.

Re: Hitler's mother mentioned in a mindfulness talk

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 6:13 am
by topaliat
Yes, I reference this often. It's the 10/30/13 talk she gave title, "Healing Self Doubt". This section is about halfway through the talk. I'd post the link but the system doesn't allow this. Hope this helps...