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Kindness Research

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 2:41 pm
by mmh32

I was invited over here via twitter to talk about my research that I'm looking for participants for.

I am studying an MSc in Business Psychology and researching how/if/to what extent kindness in the workplace can improve well-being and stress levels in the short term.

There are two groups in the research, to which participants get randomly assigned. One of which perform an unexpected act of kindness once per day whilst at work during 1 week. The other start an unexpected interaction/conversation.

The research is also centred around positive psychology, so would also be looking into the extent that those who possess the character strength of kindness would benefit most from kindness.

There is a 10 minute survey first, then one week later having performed the allocated task you would complete a 2nd survey which takes around 5-6 minutes.

Although mindfulness itself is not directly part of the research, this may still be of interest due to the role of kindness both within and as a companion to mindfulness.

I welcome any discussion and hope some of you will participate.
