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Back To Work
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 11:56 am
by Gareth
After a bad patch in the illness, which was impeccably timed to last over the Christmas period, I am back to work as of yesterday.
It is the new job that I talked about a while back; it remains to be seen how I will cope. I'm a bit concerned about my fatigue levels and how on earth i'm going to fit in all the things in my life that I was doing before, but all that is too much future I think.
I should have time to keep up with the Twitter account, which continues to be a big asset to us, and we need to keep going with it. As for the rest of it, we'll see.
Re: Back To Work
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 3:26 pm
by ken300
Congratulations - best of luck!!
After becoming ill I spent years working in a job that was plainly incompatible with the way I'd become but I tried in vain to hang onto it, it gave me a sense of identity & pride but I didn't realise how much it was screwing me up.
I can't work now but I'd really like to be able to - if I hadn't spent so long clinging onto that job, all the time making my health worse & worse, then I'd probably be able to now - if only I could go back in time.
Just make sure you look after #1, give this new job really good go BUT If there's something about it that's not working for you then just move on to something more suitable.
Above all keep the mindfulness up - whether it means dumping this website or anything else, prioritise the mindfulness above everything. It'll give you the insight you need to identify when a job (or anything else for that matter) isn't working for you so you can make changes & make the most of your precious health!
God luck,
Re: Back To Work
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 4:52 pm
by piedwagtail91
congratulations , hope you can cope ok.
i'm looking for someone to take me on for 4 hours paid work to see how i cope with the stress.
i do lots of voluntary but it's a big step to paid work.
good luck and stay mindful.
Re: Back To Work
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 6:45 pm
by JonW
Best of luck, Gareth. Hope it all goes smoothly.
Cheers, Jon
Re: Back To Work
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 12:00 am
by FeeHutch
Hope it's going well Gareth
Re: Back To Work
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 1:51 pm
by larorra
good luck Gareth, just take one day at a time and keep up with the mindfulness. I know you will!