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Eckhart Tolle

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 7:21 pm
by guy
Im quite new to this forum, so it could be a subject that has already been aired, but what do people think of this guy's take on mindfulness. Ive recently come across his talks on utube and it seems to me, ( a relative newcomer to mindfulness) that hes really saying the same things, albeit in a different language. I notice he doesn't like the word mindfulness as it implies a mind full up of thought so he calls it 'presence' and instead of the JKZ phrase' moment by moment,' he has 'now'.
I find his talks very enticing, but at times hes frustrating , as he seems to imply that its all so easy! The problem is that he had this enlightening experience from the depth of a suicidal depression. Not all of us get that sea change, and because of that e can appear a little smug.
But on the whole he seems to be singing from the same hymn sheet and its an interesting take on the subject from a slightly different angle. To me he seems like a secular Buddhist but with more of an other-worldly side to him.
Id be really interested to know other views on him.

Re: Eckhart Tolle

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 11:31 am
by JonW
To my mind, Tolle's teachings are more a distillation of non-duality than mindfulness. Essentially he is saying that there is no self. Therefore, there would be no self to be mindful.
I've enjoyed Tolle's books but, in terms of non-duality, I find the teachings of Tony Parsons (not the former NME writer), Joan Tollifson and David Carse to be clearer and more concise.
Newcomers to mindfulness might find Tolle a little confusing if they read him in conjunction with Kabat-Zinn, Danny Penman etc.
Only my opinion…

Re: Eckhart Tolle

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 12:29 pm
by Gareth
I wished I had the time to read him and have an opinion. <- There's me arguing with reality again.

He's very quotable. Lot's of the mindfulness quotes on @mindfuleveryday come from him.

Re: Eckhart Tolle

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 6:15 pm
by JonW
Tolle is my mindfulness teacher's favourite writer.
There's definitely overlaps with mindfulness in what he teaches. I'd say he's a good one to read once one has grasped the fundamentals of mindfulness.
He's made a mint, Tolle, on the back of Winfrey patronage and all. The bloke's in clover. No blame there.
Jon, Hove

Re: Eckhart Tolle

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 12:37 pm
by OliDoyle
Hey guy,
The true test of any writing, for me is this; does reading it lead you into a state of mindfulness/awareness? For me, Eckhart's books and other resources tick this box, particularly The Power of Now. He shows you how to go beyond a life lost in thought, which is the same as living mindfully.
Great question,