Yes, I was thinking about this after waking up this morning - I wanted to come back here and say that a true heart in mindfulness brings people together in charity and common aims like this site does, but I thought it would be a bit excessive to do so.
Hehe, so I'm glad you said that. I find the general absence of qualified MBSR teachers from this site, for example, somewhat strange. I'm sure they don't want to 'do their job' for free on the internet, so thats understandable, and yet a bit more support here and there would be nice. Are you still intending to become a teacher? I would very much like to do that too. There is now even an MBSR teacher here in Beijing - he was translator for Jon Kabat-Zinn during his recent visit here to do a retreat for industry professionals. We will be meeting the teacher here soon it seems.
I have been building enthusiasm elsewhere these days, so apologies for the absence - we still have a regular group that meets on Sunday evenings and I'm pursuing traditional Chinese mindful discilpines in depth still - tea drinking in the Far East is a lot deeper and profound than I had expected, for example.
I'm still waiting for Gareth to get back to me on installing this chat function by the way
- I'm all ready to go. These days I'm more about action than words, hehe