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Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 10:28 pm
by AdamOnyx
I have been practicing mindfulness for about 1 year. At the beginning I found out it very difficult. I went throught M. Willimas book 'How to find peace in a frantic world'. I read whole book but I could not practice systematically. I use buddhify app and recently I have started another 8 weeks guided book: 'How to live well by paying attention; by Ed Halliwell. Today I've started week Two and in chapter II have been intentions. I chose 'Confidence' and there was suggestions to talk to others who have started practicing. So here I am. I am happy to be here, I believe i will find answers to bothering questions and maybe I'll answer to someones questions. Regards!!!!!

Re: Hello!

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 9:09 am
by JonW
Hi AdamOnyx,
Welcome to the forum.
I look forward to getting to know you on here.
All best,

Re: Hello!

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 9:34 pm
by FeeHutch
Welcome to our community :)
I look forward to reading your posts.

Re: Hello!

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 9:21 am
by Gareth
Welcome! :D

Re: Hello!

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 10:19 pm
by AdamOnyx
I realized that my practice is very often another thing 'to do'. Very often I am distracted and I try don't beat myself up but it is so difficult. Also I try practice mindfulness during the everyday work and when I try stay present I am absorbed by PLEASANT thoughts. This is strange because I am already aware of here and now, present but these thoughts are too attractive. It is as if I consciously chose thinking instead of meditating. It's not like meditating at home when my mind spontaneously begin wandering and I bring him back over and over again. Here I have choice stay present or thinking but I almost always choose thinking. This is like addiction. Maybe someone has had similar experience in the past?
I have been meditating for one year and I realized that I feel better , maybe even"10% happier", but i still think that isn't enough, I still think there is a lot of ,TO DO' in order to find peace? What I realized that this tension and stress feeling on my chest during breath meditation has disappeared. I can breath and don't feel overwhelmed
Also I have question to experienced practitioners: How does look like your dailiy practice? How intensively you practice now, after 8 weeks of working with the program or year of practice. Which meditations you are practicing and how often. What will happen if you stop practicing mindfulness? Is your brain will then return to its original, ;unhappy' form?

sorry with the English. I'm still learning