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Hello again!

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 5:01 pm
by SheilaB
Hi there,

It's been quite a while since I first joined the forum, and in all honesty I didn't get round to dropping in for chat in the way I'd hoped to. Since then, I've qualified as a mindfulness teacher - which feels a bit surreal, as I'm still learning so much myself all the time. It is an ongoing practice after all :)

Although I've posted a few blogs here, I really will try to join in more with chat, as I strongly believe that community is an integral part of having a strong practice.

I look forward to getting to know you all a little better.

You can also find me on twitter @sheilabayliss and @LollipopWB (if you're wondering why 2 accounts - for those who aren't into mum chat or mindful parenting, I keep that out of the Lollipop account).

Kind wishes,

Re: Hello again!

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 8:28 am
by Gareth
Welcome Sheila!

Thank you so much for the blogs you have done for this site, and for coming along and joining this growing community. I know how much mindfulness has helped you, and there are plenty of people here whose lives have similarly been changed by mindfulness.

All we are is a community dedicated to mindfulness. Both helping people to get their practice going, which can be fiendishly difficult for many and as a place for people to get together and help further the cause of mindfulness.

Even if you just drop in from time to time and let us know about the work you are doing, or join in with what we are doing here (I'm not quite sure what that is yet :shock: ), that would be great.