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Hello from The Mindfulness Project!

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 1:28 pm
by AnnaLondonMindful
Hello there fellow forum members,

Very happy to be a part of this wonderful community!

I'm part of the team (with the founders, Alexa Frey and Autumn Totton) launching The Mindfulness Project ( London's first dedicated secular home for mindfulness. We have a beautiful space in a Georgian townhouse in Fitzroy Square (central London) and are gearing up to offer all kinds of innovative courses in mindful living, from mindful relationships, to smoking cessation, public speaking, parenting - you name it!

Really looking forward to connecting with you all on here and sharing experiences and insight into how we can apply mindfulness practice into daily living.

If you're based in London, do get in touch. We'd love to meet anyone who shares our vision for helping the city be more mindful and expanding this wonderful practice to a wider audience.

Even if you're not in London, do say hi and perhaps you can stop by our place if you're passing through. Would love to connect and share learning with anyone who's setting up similar spaces, here and abroad too.

If you want to keep up to date on our launch, and for all kinds of other mindfulness tidbits, here's our FB page - and the Twitter: @londonmindful

And here's a lovely feature the Huffington Post ran about our mindful eating course yesterday: ... ird-metric

Have a lovely day, fellow minds!


Re: Hello from The Mindfulness Project!

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 1:52 pm
by Gareth

This sounds right up our street at EM. We are starting to build a great little mindfulness community here, and we would love to link in with you in the work that you are doing.

We have a big mindfulness account now on Twitter (@mindfuleveryday) and a fantastic Facebook page too. So if you get your hands on good mindfulness content to share, then please let us know and we will help you out as best we can.

This forum is intended as a place for new practitioners to receive some assistance in getting going, but also as a place for more experienced practitioners to get together and help further the cause of mindfulness, which it looks like you are already trying to do.

There is one idea that I really want to get going, that is of video testimonials to mindfulness. I honestly believe that this can be a really personal, effective way of getting across to people the many ways that this practice can be of benefit to you. I did one of my own here: ... stimonial/

Take a look and see what you think. We've not really had the time to get this off the ground yet, but it can be powerful; I'm certain of it. Perhaps we could start a mindfulness YouTube channel or something in the future. Who knows?

Anyway, It's great to make your acquaintance. Please, please keep coming back, and let's keep talking about how we can promote mindfulness.

Re: Hello from The Mindfulness Project!

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 2:17 pm
by AnnaLondonMindful
Wow, Gareth, absolutely loved your video testimonial and agree that this is a great platform for sharing people's personal mindfulness stories with the world. It's somehow more immediate and personal on video than in the written word isn't it? Really powerful stuff.

Have liked your FB page, and will share your video, and very much look forward to keeping up the conversation with you and this community.

Hope it's as beautifully sunny where you are as it is here!

All the best,



Re: Hello from The Mindfulness Project!

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 10:44 pm
by FeeHutch
Hi Anna and welcome to our community :)
It is great to have you on board.

Re: Hello from The Mindfulness Project!

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 11:53 am
by JonW
Hi Anna.
A warm welcome!
And all good things,

Re: Hello from The Mindfulness Project!

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 1:28 pm
by AnnaLondonMindful
Thanks Jon! All those good things to you too :-)

Re: Hello from The Mindfulness Project!

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 6:32 am
by Anita
Gareth I just saw your video. It touched a chord with me as my partner has had Parkinsons Disease for over 12 yrs and my major stress is about getting tangled up in thoughts about the future. To complicate matters, I have had bouts of depression/anxiety on and off for most of my adult life. I began Mindfulness about 2 mths ago in a group. At the group yesterday we did it for 20 mins and I felt totally different after having been tangled in thoughts again. Mindfulness could be the.answer for me. Thank you for a wonderful site. Regards. Anita.

Re: Hello from The Mindfulness Project!

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 7:45 am
by JonW
Hi Anita.
Welcome to the forum.
Great to have you on board here.
All best wishes,
Jon, Hove

Re: Hello from The Mindfulness Project!

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 10:15 am
by FeeHutch
Hello Anita and welcome to our community :)

Re: Hello from The Mindfulness Project!

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 7:30 pm
by Gareth
Hi Anita. :D Finally got your account to work eh? ;)

I don't really like to take any plaudits, because I love the work that I do on this site, and I'll continue to do it forever; it's not work at all to me in fact.

Mindfulness has made such a complete transformation to my life, that I can't possibly keep quiet about it. When I went looking for this forum, it didn't exist, so I decided to create it.

If you have had trouble with thoughts about the future, then mindfulness definitely has something to offer you. Keep your practice up though, so many people seem to allow it to fall by the wayside.