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10 months on

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 10:35 pm
by Gordo
I've been practising mindfulness for about 10 months. Not continually, not every day, but reasonably frequently. I've developed an ability to know when I'm a bit anxious, stressed, or thinking negatively, and then usually go back into a daily routine for a few days to get back to a better state. I downloaded an app for the iPhone called Headspace and did the 10 free meditations for 10 days in a row, and felt better for doing it. I would love to be able to fit a meditation in daily, but at times it just seems like other things take up my time.

Apart from "the usual" aspects of feeling calmer, less anxious and thinking "better", mindfulness has had some other benefits for me.

Confidence I think as anxiety, stress and worry disappears, confidence starts to creep in. This can only be a good thing! :D At work especially, I've not felt intimidated by people, and feel I can express my opinions and thoughts better, without worrying about being shot down!

Appreciation - on holiday recently I found myself attracted to some unusual canvas prints which were hanging on one of the staircases of the ship we were cruising on. I'm by no means an art lover, but they were such an unusual design, I really "connected" with them. A friend said to me recently that it was the mindfulness that was making me like that!

I think my opinion now is that I'm enjoying life more than ever, accept its ups and downs and feel happier with myself. A year ago I was genuinely worried and anxious about "getting old". Now, this doesn't even phase me as I think we all have the opportunity to just get better with age. ;)

I think its a great feeling to be able to "find yourself" with mindfulness.

Re: 10 months on

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 11:34 am
by Gareth
Great post Gordo, I'll put it up on the EM site. :)

Re: 10 months on

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 4:18 am
by GianKarlo
We can practice mindfulness and become more present.

Re: 10 months on

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 9:01 am
by Louelle
I have just joined this forum and feel very encouraged by this post. I was introduced to mindfulness at a retreat last weekend and am hoping it will help shift the anxiety and depression that have gripped me for a few years now. Since the weekend my husband has bought me a book called Mindfulness for Creativity, by Danny Penman,which incorporates a 4-week meditation programme. Having done yoga and a bit of meditation in the past, I totally get mindfulness and am looking forward to seeing where it will take me!

Re: 10 months on

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 7:04 pm
by JonW
Hi Louelle,
Welcome to the forum. As you can see we're having a few technical difficulties at present but hopefully we'll be back to normal in no time.
All best wishes,