How to stay mindful when you hate your day job?

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Posts: 2

Thu Dec 04, 2014 5:24 am  

I am also a students. I also face this situation. I have a won make keep mindful system. That is “think”. Think the necessary work then you can do it. Because, Man do work after his mind do the work. So, think about the matter is the right way to keep mindful. But, it is a process that take time.

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Posts: 39

Wed Feb 18, 2015 5:50 am  

hello steve i have a situation like your's before. what i did is i finished my first career although i don't really want it but my parents do. then after that i jumped to the next career that i wanted.

Posts: 2

Tue Mar 03, 2015 5:17 pm  

I'm pretty new to mindfulness but I'm really relating to it. I can't say I hate my day job, but I have found meditation particularly helpful to deal the stress (I have a pretty hectic job at a startup) I wanted to write something to help others use the technique.

Would love to know your thoughts!

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