mindfulness for children

Please post your mindfulness stories here and your story might also feature on our blog (with your permission). You can also introduce yourself here. We want to create a library of mindful journeys and experiences.
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Posts: 11
Location: Camberwell, London, UK

Tue Dec 17, 2013 10:59 am  

If mindfulness is now being prescribed by GPs for depression, why are we not teaching it in schools? Do watch this amazing TED talk by Richard Burnett - he has a wonderful way of talking about it.

Some good books to check out
Planting Seeds: Practicing Mindfulness with Children - by Thich Nhat Hanh
Peaceful Piggy Meditation - by Kerry Lee MacLean
I teach yoga and mindfulness classes in South London, UK (http://www.youruniverseyoga.co.uk). You can find my blog at http://outerinneruniverse.blogspot.co.uk. In my previous life I was a scientist doing research in astronomy.

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Posts: 1465

Tue Dec 17, 2013 11:04 am  

Hope you don't mind, but I'm going to move this to the 'mindful living section'.

I'm definitely going to check out the book by Thich Nhat Hahn. I have two very small boys, and I would be failing as a parent if I didn't try to nurture mindfulness in my children - that's how I see it anyway.

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Posts: 11
Location: Camberwell, London, UK

Tue Dec 17, 2013 11:18 am  

Sorry, I didn't realise about the Mindful Living section. I now see plenty of previous posts about mindfulness for kids - should've just posted a reply!
I teach yoga and mindfulness classes in South London, UK (http://www.youruniverseyoga.co.uk). You can find my blog at http://outerinneruniverse.blogspot.co.uk. In my previous life I was a scientist doing research in astronomy.

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