Search found 46 matches
- Sat Feb 18, 2017 4:58 pm
- Forum: Mindfulness & Me
- Topic: My battle journal with depression using mindfulness
- Replies: 10
- Views: 6703
Re: My battle journal with depression using mindfulness
Thank's Jon. Perhaps when I can test this out for a few months more.
- Thu Feb 16, 2017 4:14 pm
- Forum: Mindfulness & Me
- Topic: My battle journal with depression using mindfulness
- Replies: 10
- Views: 6703
Re: My battle journal with depression using mindfulness
Thank you for your feedback. I just read a lot of books, none really go into detail on one topic but lots of parts fit together showing common themes. I then try and observe their ideas in meditation. MBSR & MBCT books I find are good in a introductory technical manual type of way, they help red...
- Wed Feb 15, 2017 5:33 pm
- Forum: Mindfulness & Me
- Topic: My battle journal with depression using mindfulness
- Replies: 10
- Views: 6703
Re: My battle journal with depression using mindfulness
Update and major breakthrough. For the last 12 months, along with meditation I have also been continually reading to broaden the scope of my understanding. Many authors and teachers in these books have mentioned that when faced with a difficult emotion, in my case depression, you need to invite it i...
- Fri Jan 20, 2017 12:58 pm
- Forum: Mindfulness & Me
- Topic: My battle journal with depression using mindfulness
- Replies: 10
- Views: 6703
Re: My battle journal with depression using mindfulness
Following on from above the depressed state is still here. So I have been busy reading up on possible ways to truly let it go. MBSR and MBCT forms of mindfulness are a great into and have definitely helped. I have found they helped me a lot more with stress and anxiety than depression. I believe the...
- Mon Jan 09, 2017 1:23 pm
- Forum: Mindfulness & Me
- Topic: My battle journal with depression using mindfulness
- Replies: 10
- Views: 6703
My battle journal with depression using mindfulness
I am putting this post here in case anyone else, suffering with depression, could benefit in any way. I have been practising quite intensely for a year now and the initial aim was to be free from stress and anxiety. I would have to say that those areas have been greatly reduced to the point where no...
- Mon Jan 09, 2017 1:06 pm
- Forum: New practitioners
- Topic: struggling with letting thoughts to pass
- Replies: 3
- Views: 1738
Re: struggling with letting thoughts to pass
As Gareth mentioned it is not about getting rid of thoughts and you should not try to suppress them. It sounds like you are handling it all very well by acknowledging them and maintaining focus on the breath. Mindfulness is about being an observer of the mind so if you can keep your attention on bre...
- Fri Jan 06, 2017 10:05 am
- Forum: Experienced practitioners
- Topic: The Mind Illuminated by Culadasa ( John Yates PHD )
- Replies: 28
- Views: 12690
Re: The Mind Illuminated by Culadasa ( John Yates PHD )
Matt, thanks for the book When Awareness Becomes Natural: A Guide to Cultivating Mindfulness in Everyday Life by Sayadaw U Tejaniya. It was very enlightening and the cornerstone of my continual practice now. It has also helped with aspects of my sitting practice on the Mind Illuminated path. For any...
- Thu Dec 29, 2016 3:46 pm
- Forum: New practitioners
- Topic: Disagree with Tolle's recommendation to not judge thoughts
- Replies: 14
- Views: 5024
Re: Disagree with Tolle's recommendation to not judge thoughts
Thanks Jon!! Some great quotes there. Easy to understand on the atomic level, I need to start working on feeling it too.
- Thu Dec 29, 2016 1:21 pm
- Forum: New practitioners
- Topic: Disagree with Tolle's recommendation to not judge thoughts
- Replies: 14
- Views: 5024
Re: Disagree with Tolle's recommendation to not judge thoughts
Many Thanks. As luck would have it the next random book I picked up explored this all in quite a bit of detail too. It seems quite a widespread view behind meditation; Oneness, Tao and Emptiness etc. It made a lot more sense although raises more questions. The theme seems to be we come from energy a...
- Mon Dec 26, 2016 2:34 pm
- Forum: New practitioners
- Topic: Disagree with Tolle's recommendation to not judge thoughts
- Replies: 14
- Views: 5024
Re: Disagree with Tolle's recommendation to not judge thoughts
Hi Jon, My words were quite harsh and I certainly didn't intend that towards Tolle, or Bert. I found the book highly motivating and covers a lot of topics. All really make sense except for some concepts eg emptiness, voids, the unmanifested but what really seemed to cause a reaction in me was sectio...