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by need2learn
Sat Jun 21, 2014 7:05 pm
Forum: New practitioners
Topic: Gym/weightlifting mindfulness
Replies: 2
Views: 1522

Re: Gym/weightlifting mindfulness

by need2learn
Wed Jun 11, 2014 9:58 pm
Forum: New practitioners
Topic: Gym/weightlifting mindfulness
Replies: 2
Views: 1522

Gym/weightlifting mindfulness

How would I go about using mindfulness while in the gym? Should I focus mainly on my breathe and being present just like any other part of the day.

Or should I focus on the lifting of the weight and being present in the actual lift?
by need2learn
Thu Jun 05, 2014 7:34 pm
Forum: New practitioners
Topic: Goal setting and mindfullness?
Replies: 14
Views: 8501

Re: Goal setting and mindfullness?

Eckhart Tolle has a nice approach to this: feel free to have a goal, but make each step your primary focus, so that it doesn't really matter whether you arrive or not, as you're always here, now. There is a difference between having a goal and being attached to the idea of reaching it. If you have ...
by need2learn
Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:01 am
Forum: New practitioners
Topic: Goal setting and mindfullness?
Replies: 14
Views: 8501

Re: Goal setting and mindfullness?

Again thanks for all the replys that balance between the two is what Im trying to learn
by need2learn
Wed Jun 04, 2014 4:04 pm
Forum: New practitioners
Topic: Goal setting and mindfullness?
Replies: 14
Views: 8501

Re: Goal setting and mindfullness?

First Thanks for all the replies. I think I understand mindfulness a little better. I was trying to use it a tool to make the time between goal achievement less stressful. From what I'm getting that may not be the full use which I suspected. I am still worried losing my ambition by going through the...
by need2learn
Tue Jun 03, 2014 12:32 am
Forum: New practitioners
Topic: Goal setting and mindfullness?
Replies: 14
Views: 8501

Re: Goal setting and mindfullness?

there's nothing wrong with having goals, but it's how you see and relate to them. from your post it sounds as if you're striving, judging how far away from your goal you are. mindfulness is about accepting things as they are in the moment, the here and now. striving and judging will just lead to mo...
by need2learn
Mon Jun 02, 2014 10:37 am
Forum: New practitioners
Topic: Goal setting and mindfullness?
Replies: 14
Views: 8501

Goal setting and mindfullness?

I was just introduced to mindfulness from a book called the Practicing Mind. I was looking for a way to make the process of work and daily life less frustrating. This book helped me learn about focusing on the process at hand and being present. Focusing on my breath and concentrating on just doing t...