What Dogs Can Teach Us about Inner Peace

by Ellie Batchiyska Last week, as I was sitting for my daily guided meditation, the narrator instructed me to pay attention to the sounds and sensations around me. Eyes closed, legs crossed, hands resting in my lap, there was one particular sensation I couldn’t get my attention away from: a heavy breathing on my knee. […]

Making Friends With My Anxiety

As a wellbeing coach and mindfulness teacher, I don’t just share from the theory of mindfulness, but from my own experience too.  Here’s my own story about how mindfulness and self-kindness transformed my relationship with anxiety – from outright war, to acceptance and befriending. This process unfolded for me some years ago, and I’ve included […]

Finding Quiet: Why I Meditate

By Allie Carmichael Stress has ruled my life. Anxiety has dominated my time. Worry has controlled my decisions. I thought this was normal, that stress was an inevitable part of life. Every day, there is always something to be stressed about. My job, my appearance, my family, my finances, my health. On and on. This […]

Letting Go

by Roger Hunt “Letting go gives us freedom and freedom is the only condition for happiness. If, in our heart, we still cling to anything – anger, anxiety, or possessions – we cannot be free.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh At a young age, I put on a mask. A mask to try and hide all my […]

Growing Fearless: Mindfulness, Public Speaking and Performance Anxiety

Once when I was at university, I had to do a presentation.  Not a huge one, there were only about a handful of people in the room.  But I choked.  Literally.  I felt so uncomfortable that the words would not actually come out of my mouth.  I was mortified.  Afterwards, my tutor said ‘well you’ll […]

Inwards and Outwards

by Esther Andrews I practically danced into our kitchen after coming home from work. The underfloor heating leapt into my bare soles with delicious warmth. “You know, I feel so happy tonight,” I declared to my husband. “Happy?” he responded, suspiciously. Of course he was delighted, but he had a right to be surprised. I had hadn’t […]

3 Quick Mindfulness Practices to Overcome Worry, Anxiety and Panic

By Jodie Gien Whether we admit it or not, we all worry. You might worry about the big things, like relationships, your job or your direction in life. Or it may be small niggly things like your to-do list and stewing over a comment you wish you hadn’t made. Worrying is completely normal but when your […]

From Chaos To Calm

By Kathleen Hoyle   Over the past couple of years I have been through just about every major life event there is: death of a parent, moving house, changing job and, to top it off, partner of over 10 years leaving. Needless to say, I was feeling some stress and anxiety. Fortunately, in September of […]